Doing the Best for Yourself

Back again after missing a day, I could say that I could miss another day and that would be okay. Been down that road before. You need to get back on the horse immediately and do the necessary. Otherwise you let procrastinations ugly face re-enter you life. Stop being fodder to that beast. Do it. Do it now. Whatever it is your committed to doing.
Be the best you can be. That’s the best anyone can do for themselves and the rest of us.

Why Write?

Why do you write? I write to clarify my thinking. I write to share my thoughts. I entertain and inform. I write for fun.
Why do you write?

Live the life you want no matter when you start.

We are all on a pilgrimage. It is the quintessential human experience that many things shape us. Internal and external factors.
What we can control and what is beyond most of our efforts.
I feel that kindness, friendship and tolerance are the cardinal virtues. Kindness being the supreme virtue.
Practicing this is not easy but is worthwhile and needs to start with oneself.

Developing a Writing Habit

I’m looking at trying to create a writing habit. Not as easy as you might think. Especially when you have things to do to keep life and limb together.
Family and friends, cats and birds, my own sanity.
Corvid lockdown has been a big issue in most people’s lives. I’ve got a cat here looking for attention. It’s quite insistent. This might be good if I can ensure that I wont me interrupted.
That’s a big ask in this house with phones, Internet, TV, cats, and of course deliveries.

I’ve read hundreds of books on creative writing and most have been less than honest.

That’s quite an assertion but I believe it to be true.

There are a few, a mighty few authors who up front say “This is what works for me. Your mileage (or distance) might vary.”

If I’ve learnt anything from all my reading it is I should be writing, making my own mistakes and trying to learn from them.

I think that I need to refine a simple process that suits me and my temperament. Use the tools that work for me. That’s what all of us need to do. Keep it simple. Keep it true to you.

I’ve started this today. No more excuses or bull shit. Do what storytellers do…

Tell stories. 

Procrastination or Wasting My Life

Too easily diverted from my course of action by the next shiny thing or promising technique or writing manual / book.

It’s an excuse or is it a reason?

Does the difference matter or is it the consequences that matter.